Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Suicide In Our Society

I wrote this article in my magazine (snowflake) which I had to do as a school project ..I find it a very sensitive topic to talk about but I just had to !

It might sound weird that I choose this certain subject to talk about. We all think that only a few people in our society thought or tried to kill them selves. I think that you will change your way in thinking after you read this. For some reason I thought of creating a poll in an online site to know more about how our youth think. All of the people who voted are between 13 and 21 years old. 29 people have voted.

As you see the poll results are really shocking 20.69% have thought of suicide and they tried it too. Those 20.69% are the lucky ones who survived from this tragedy. Not to mention that the number of people who thought of suicide is very close to the number of people who didn’t. Two of the people who confessed made it clear that they cut themselves to release the anger in them and to forget the emotional pain they are going through by living a physical pain that might lead to serious diseases and infections in future. I also gave those youth the space to write the reasons why they thought or tried suicide. Most of them don’t have anyone to listen to them so they keep on hiding their feeling and problems and feel desperate and worthless.I'm against suicide. It's nothing but a shame and an end to every hope in this life and in the other life but if we took a deeper look into our society there is no one to listen to our youth and deal with their problems. Everyone admits that each and every teenager lives all these feelings and faces all these problems but no one is reaching out to them. The society is totally ignoring these issues for some reason. It’s the traditions and the misunderstanding of Islam that causing all these problems. Therefore we can't blame our youth if they thought of suicide because it's our responsibility and our job to help them and reach out to them. And we are failing this mission.

the page:

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