Friday, August 31, 2007

Ramadhan .. Month of....?

and here comes another year .. Ramadhan is only days far from us ...

Ramadhan is the month which we all should get closer to god , ask him for his forgivness and pray to him ..

we fast from the sun rise till the sun down ..


it seems that this concept has changed now days to turn into a month of entertaining and wasting in food ..

advertisements started ! all hypermarkets are now putting their products on sales and promotions .. all FOOD !!

all kind of deserts and all kind of food people tend to have in Ramadhan ..

so now in ramadhan people cook even MORE than they usually cook everyday .. aLOT Of food thats even more than what they need maybe ..

yesterday I was in the hyper market in city centre and I was amaazed with the croud ! and amazed with what i saw in the trollies as I walked .. loads of Jelly , Castered , Rice , (Loqaymat) , and all these deserts and everyting ...

another thing is TV !!! yuppp its RaMaDhAn ! wOhO letS stArT bRoaDcAsTIng all these silly movies , and khalijy serials all day long and all night long ,, one after the other ! so instead of broadcasting programmes that are actually related to the holiness of ramdhan they just tend to waste our time by these programmes

so now people tend to sleep most of the day , wake up , eat and start watching tv and eating the whole time , maybe they'll go to the ( Jalsat) in the (5yam ) (tents)which hotels and resturants set SEPCIALLY for this so-called- HOLY month

so now tell me .. what do u think? is it really RAMADHAN which is comming in two weeks? or is it just a month of entertaining thats called so

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