Saturday, September 1, 2007

fight for my right . Round 2 ... Me Vs. registration and deanship @squ

yup .. so after round one which was last wednesday .. here comes round 2...
round one didnt go so well .. had to run alot ( RUN RUN) and walk alot between engineering and registration and deanship which are way to far like 3 times and I ended up with no registrations at all XD couldnt make it at time...

round 2 started in the registration and deanship first thing in the morning .. eighthundred sharp .. but it was so crouded ! damn ! nooooo XD so anyways I had to que for an hour between the croud .. to finally end up with 2 subjects out of 6 ... step 2 ? back to the college ! god how much I hate that .. anyways I did walk to the college and then to the language centre and thats when those 3 places ( college of engineering , language centre , registration and deanship) started bouncing me around and playing with me as a yo-yo ... yeaaaa when i reached that point I knew its not going to end up with one or 2 walks between those 3 places .. picked up the phone bEGED my sister for a ride ,, she said okay ..
she was like hurry up Im waiting while Im buying her something to drink just coz she gave me a ride ... when I reached to the registration and deanship agaaaaain they asked me to go back to the college .. believe me .. for SO MANY STUPID REASONS okay now I started exploding the secound time i got to the registration and deanship ,, it was so crouded ...
the girls area ! more as a cROUD really,, no ques and HUGE bunches of girls .. Im already short and tinny I cant get in there .. I went to some one I know there and told him that I CANT DO IT IM SORRY !HELP ME PLZ ! so he was so kind to help me :) but I still had to que .. in a smaller que though ... the ppl SMELLED LIKE HELL ! I swear.. I never smelled something that bad before ! mixture of DEEP STINChES !I had to take out my perfume ( which I was so lucky to get with me today ) and spray around on them XD .. I was txting my friend... said that Im gonna faint ! aww my good friend called just to make sure I wont...
on the other hand , guys area wasnt crouded and ppl were standing nicely in ques..
before I go to that guy for help I was like : he either helps me or Im going to the guys section ! I dont GIVE A DAMN
and yea I can do it..
after my sister gave me a ride AGAIN they asked me to go back to the college .. thats when I HAD ENOUGH ! DO U HEAR ME? I HAD ENOUgh OF U gUYS !YUP ! WITH U STUPIDITy HAS NO LIMITS !!! I called dad .. told him I cant take it he must come give me rides coz its getting too much ! and he kindly did !! though he was far he did ... he had to give me LOTS OF RIDES I MUST SAY ! In a matter of 45 mintues only ,... he really got annoyed to see me running that way for no use ..anyhow I ended up walking between those 3 builldings 6 times today XD

in the college of engineering it was really weird .. I didnt see anygirls today ... I had to ask alot for the office I Was trying to reach and both students and teachers were REALLY helpfull!

I had to stand in a small corridor to see my supervisor ... 17 guys and I was the only girl! imagine the noise and all the masculine voices ! but it was cool

now one thing I cant take is one someone calles me 9a3eedya ! I really hate that ! I dont ignor that ! yes Im a first year student but so u were one day so u better zip ur stupid mouth and mind ur own buissness if u had one from the first place .. so someone called me so while I was walking in the administration of the college and thats when I STOPED , TURNED , PUT MY HAND ON MY WAIST AND GAVE EM TAHT STARE THaT SHUT THEM UP!yup ! never mess with a chick like moi

one more thing is the stupidity of some ppl XD like .. waiting for the lift with out pushing the button? like HEL-LO?
I also hate when I have to use the stare case just coz the guys wnt give me a chance to use the lift .. its just annoying XD

so anyhow ,, the day was over ... registered for 4 subjects ( KINNNNDA ) Still have things to finish about these 4 subjects ..

tomorrow .. ROUND 3 :)

honestly its getting worse everyday XD I wonder how bad could tomorrow b :S ! I really wonder XD

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