Monday, September 3, 2007

fight for my right . Round 4... Me Vs. registration and deanship @squ

tomorrow is round 5 :) ! yup ! this seems to be a never ending struggle ...
okay to be honest I ended up with 4 subjects so far
-introduction to engineering
-General chemistry for engineering

couldnt get english for engineering ( which is super important) coz it didnt fit my time table no matter HOW MUCH I TRIED .. I gave up :)
tomorrow I'll give one last shot to apply for workshop one .
I had to walk twice today from the registration and deenship to the college to see the workshop doctor and take his signature to apply my but it wasnt enough for the registration so u know what SCREW U PEOPLE !!!! SCREW U ! ARGH its so annoying i swear to god !

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