Saturday, September 29, 2007

learning on the streets?

is it right that they let ppl learn how to drive on streets from the first day?:S

I find it really wrong :S to learn how to drive on the main streets and from the first day ..
I was asked to drive on the street from the first day . and Im telling u guys I knew nothing about driving ! my only experince was 5 minutes ON A STREET too but an empty one ...
I dont know how to control the accelerator my speed keeps on increasing I almost hit a truck coz it was driving slowly and I was driving 120 Km/H..
120Km/H .. from my secound day
100Km/H in the first day
Im a total threat and Im kept on the main streets to learn ! :S
I think that Oman should special driving school with roads so that ppl learn there before moving to streets with other ppl
the RTAs ( road traffic Accidents) are increasing 30 people died the last week as RTA victims 30 .. in 7 days ,,
you could say about 4 victims a day?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

diffrent shots of masba7a

You wont see me cry

I'm broken-hearted
I can't let you know
And I wont let it show
You wont see me cry

thats a part or rihannas song "cry" .. vedio posted above..
but to me it has a diffrent meaning
sometimes u are so down
so sad
so broken hearted
but u choose to suck it in
sometimes u try to comfort the person infront of u
while you need someone to comfort u
but u choose to hide it in
to make the person infront of u feel better
not let this person know how bad u feel deep inside
faking strengh
faking a smile
faking that u feel alright
start saying things to make the person better
but those things wont make u feel better
u know they should
but they just dont
after all someone has to be strong
someone has to keep smiling
someone has to comfort others
living the same situation that u are living

why us?

girls corridors...!!!
most of them look like this !!
I walked in guys corridors .. saw nothing like that
include that their corridors are air conditioned and closed while ours arent

Monday, September 24, 2007

Whats on the inside is what really matters ..

couldnt resist the deep red colore !

and whats on the inside alway reveals at somepoint ...
and whts on the inside is what really matters

all shots taken by me :)

old is gold

and we always get back to the old always turns to b the best ..

Quraan 2

another Quraan shot a lil bit of diffrence in lightening


you have sharpened my heart

picture taken by me :)

Annoying teacher !!! thanx!

in last weeks tutorial our teach got another teacher to help the students coz its hard with one teacher only ..
so this teacher was arabic but he was so RUDE and MEAN especially to me I dont know why ! his tone was so nasty !
I asked him for help and he was like ( read the question ...) I read it , then he was like ( THINK) with that really bad tone .. so I told him I thought of it and I didnt know thats why Im asking u DOCTOR .. he was like u took this in the class u are supposed to know it ,gave me his back and left! I was like what da heck :S !!!
and everytime I call him he used todo the same thing . so finally when he thought of helping me the question has a root and I Didnt notice that it was a negitive intger .. he asked me whats the root ? so I grabbed my calculater and wanted to calculate it when he pulled it off my hand and banged it on the desk and shouted : WHATS THE ROOT!!! .. I was so shocked coz he did that infront of all the students and made everyone look at me so I like ..OH its a negitive intger ! its un defined .. he was like FINE NOW THINK MORE and turned his back and left :S !!
after 30 minutes I asked my teacher for help and refused and help from the other teacher .. my teacher in 5 secounds made the question so clear for me :S!

what kind of teachers is that :S !

Thursday, September 20, 2007

boulevard of broken dreams...

yes thats one of greenday songs ..

but thats not my point here ...

its when u work hard for ur dreams and for what u want and let ur hopes high .. u start seeing this dream comming true somehow .. u start believing that u will for sure live that dream ...
and then suddenly it all what u built breaks down ..
and u start seeing all ur hopes fadding
all ur hard work ..
gone with the wind
u stand there alone
dont know what to do
the future u were living for is gone
what are u living for? u just dont know..
once again that old feeling is back
looking to the future as a dark spot
have no idea whats waiting for u
have no idea what are u living for
have no idea what are u working to achieve

and u stand alone
in the boulevard of your broken dreams...
walk alone again
dont know where it goes
But it's home to u and u walk alone

Monday, September 17, 2007

I wanna pull out !

ehh ! yea ! I feel like pulling out ! I know I wont , its a once life chance that I got and I wont waste it ,, but at the same time the fact that Im not doing well is really annoying me .. no matter how much I study Im still the dumb one in the class that have no answers at all .. the one questiong I can answer is ( Have u signed the attendance sheet?) other than that Im just screwing big time in Chemistry and precalculus .. it feels weird a little because Ive always been the mathz nurd who loves maths and so good @ it .. and suddenly everything faded away , its like u put a grade one student in a college maths class.. more like a show to the students to look at me looking like the dumb one .. foe the chemistry Im really okay with being dumb.. though I love the subject but Ive been dumb in it ever since the first semester exam last year .. i mean it when I say I need therapy to get over that exam XD ! Its been almost a year now and its still a shock to me XD LOL
I dont know maybe I just feel so and Im not .. I have precalculus quiz on wednesday and its going to decide if Im doing well or Im right .. Im just a big dumb @$$ over here ! XD ~!!!

I have a workshop now so I gotta run to catch up and finish my (rock) project whats so ever .. :) !

Saturday, September 15, 2007

CCE anyone?

what the hell am I doing here? Im at cce with the two reems I know and reemz cousin \
Im at the computer lab , again one of those boring breaks dont know what to do ..
eh what ever Im already having like the worse day ever over here and I have a weird feeling that im failing chemistry this semester XD really I mean it ! I have no idea what are they talking about in the lectures I attend .. on the other hand i woke up really late today and had no time to do anything but to change my clothes and run my way down to the car so that i catch up with my late lecture XD

and as usual late :D (A) !

and oh yea ,.,, boys coridors thats like my home sweet home I always end up walking there dont know how and why but I just do !
maybe im a guy???
what ever .. stupid thoughts I have

GOD TAKE ME HOME! I just wanna have a rest for the love of god this is like the worse day ever !

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

how do u want me to listen while all I hear u saying is BLA BLA BLA ! XD

LOL so that's exactly what was going through my mind while I was in the history lecture the other day .. the lecture is 2 HOURS LONG! and the doctor is really really boring ! its not that I'm the only one who's bored there.. most of the students were.. and oh don't forget to mention that the doctor him self is bored and he said it him self !!! to be honest .. the lecture started at 2 and it was the first lecture in that subject .. at 3:30 I realized that they started teaching and that they are not just chit chatting about the book XD !! I'm serious I couldn't hear a word and I didn't! my head was heavy and I started having a chest pain from boredom XD ( yup that's very rare but that was more than what I can handle!)..what was funny is that some of the art students were acting really wise while answering and talking as if they were peomists or something ( yup and including poems too) XD for gods sake we are talking about HISTORY here ! what does poems have to do with that !
so he made us leave the lecture half an hour before it ends and OH-MY-GOD! it was the best feeling ever to get out of that misery,

dont know how am I going to study this subject XD !! I must start participating as its included in the mark ! ( sigh!)
we'll see how it works the comming week :D ~!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Long breaks drive me crazy

yup . long breaks do drive me crazy I must say,, Im so bored of them already and its just the first week of the semester XD !!! but really , I have breaks up to 6 hours everyday between lectures As I usually have one or two lectures aday only .. I really get lost and dont know what to do as I dont have anything to study yet.. so today I had a long break from the morning at 11 am till now and its 3:41 my lecture starts at four and since then I really dont know what to do .. !
I copyed the missing lectures and spent long ours in CCE with Reemz .. it was fun yea but I dont wanna do this everyday , every week till the end of the semester coz its so much of a waste of time ! really!
so today I just called the driving trainer and Im gonna start driving lessons on thuresday if things went fine and was able to get the premission by wednesday ! woho! yup . but Im gonna study Automatic jear instead of Manual coz its faster to learn and I wanna end up this struggle as fast as I could .. so
its 3:45 I have a workshop in 15 minutes .. so I better run :)
I love my blog its just the perfect spot to "waste my time" just kidding .. to pass time..

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Second thought about my previous post (2 shots from salalah)

so Ive been thinking about my previous post and what I mentioned about how our hearts are sculptured with pain and sorrow and will always stay the way they are even if the source of pain faded away .. I started having second thoughts about it ...
yes they might be sculptured forever but these carving can be re filled with something like magic that makes u feel so safe and kinda relieve u from that pain ...
its having love and care from a friend or a relative.. from anyone ... its just like magic set to ur heart . fill it with hope and happiness ...

so sculptured it is .. but refilled with the magic of care :) !

thanx to all who filled mine :) !!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

2 shots from salalah

what goes through my mind when i see this...
there is no water anymore
but look at what the force of the water did to the ROCK
its liquid and thats solid
but still
look how it sculptured the rock
this is exactly what happenes to our hearts ..
the sources of pain fades by time
but the scars never goes
our heart are being sculptured everyday by pain and sorrow
and the scars will last forever ..

the key to my heart

whats the key to my heart?
whats the one thing that will make me open my heart to u
open up to u
tell u everything
trust u with the most important thing
my heart?
to me ... I'll tell u its Honesty
i dont care how many mistakes do u do
i dont care how many bad things u have done
as long as u are being honest about it
u win the key to my heart

everyone of us has a diffrent key to his heart
it really differs , so whats urs?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

university foot wear ... my new struggle XD

the picture of the heels shows the type heels Im used to wear on daily bases ! I cant live with out them Im used to them and love them XD !!!now in university that turned into a problem coz its impossible to make it through the whole day with them
so i started to trrrrryyy hard to wear flats ..

have alook
converse shoe!

its more comfey to walk in them but i still feel weird ! and ppl stare at them so very much its just not right XD
sooo I tried the ballerina type of flats:

in those ... I looked like ,,, mmm a duck?? so hehe I wore them and had my heels in my books bag ,, before entering the lecture I change them ;p ! LOL

its really messy~!!!~
so I finally turned into something in between ...
comfey heels

not this style but the same type of base
or anyother type of heels which arent pointy ( comes in one part )

so we'll see how long will i survive with this obsession XD !!LOL

the way i start my day ... EVERY SINGLE DAY :D

Lol It Seems that I just have to get used to this ...
everymorning :)
this traffic jam is really annoying ! but at the same time I can finish alot of stuff at that time !
put my make up on , wear my scarf , HAVE MY BREAK FAST , sometimes I just sleeeeeeeeeep XD but after that I have to run when I get to the univesity coz I'll be late on my lecture

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Every one leaves at some point ~!~

yup ! I guess this is life ... every one will eventually have to leave u at some point ... and u ur self might have to leave some people at some point and move on with ur life . no matter how much we always say that we will always be together and nothing will separate us , life just play us around and force us to ...
alot of people did walk out of my life at some point , people I really cared for , and they just left simply leaving an empty spot in my heart and a memory of them in my head ...
I too did walk out of the lives of some people I know .. I don't know if it hurted them but I just did ..
I never thought that any of these people who left me or i left are going to leave at some point but they did
this really makes me think of the people I'm around right now ...
will this happen too? will they leave? or am I going to leave them for any reason?
it seems that yes it will happen too.. but I really think of when is that going to happen and why? and who is going to walk out of the others life?
there are some people that I'm really not ready to leave anytime soon.. but there are some other people that I cant wait to see them walking out of my life.. or so I think
because when it comes to the time they leave I really start feeling sad coz they are going ...

Fight for my right Round 5.. Me Vs. the registration and deenship

okay so today was the fifth and last round in this whole "fight for my right with the registration and deenship" .! Im so happy Im done with all that its just a PHEWwW XD ! finally ! sucked all my energy up !
okay I didnt take all the subjects I wanted to take ,,, but atleast I got the workshop .. thas good right? ..I wont be taking english for engineering nor arabic this semester... ended up with 12 cridets instead of the 15 I was planning to take but who cares .
aham shay Im done .. today everything was done easily ! I just had to wait in the que thats why ... THAT DOES HAVE AN EXPLINATION BTW! nothing happenes randomly.. today I instisted to talk to a guy instead of a girl ! the women who work there are just so SLOW and they dont care ! its so simple to them to say ( time table clashes go get signatures) ! I heared that over 10 tims the last few days !
anyhow ! Im done:)
after I finished I Went to get my books and OH MY GOD !!!! that was hell !! really ! the longest que ever ! its not even a que .. u know how girls here define ques. its like bunches and bunches over each other XD !!! I had to stand for like an hour and a half under the heat before I started getting pissed ,, it was IN BUNCHES so it was really messy so (A)(A) I moved forward by my own (A)(A) "fought for my right" whats so ever but really ! if they were quing right I wouldve stayed where I am (A) aint my fault !
okay why was it crouded? hmmm a good question .. it was in the college of science thats why ! when I went to take my book from the college of engineering (college sweet college) there was no one ! I was the only one and finished in no time ... yup ! thats a good thing :) !

anyhow I went to my lecture which was introduction to engineering it was so effing boring I must say ! LOL the doctor was like ( if I talked quickly please stop me and ask me to reduce my speed) ... I SWEAR I wanted to rasie my hands and ask him to speed up coz I couldnt stop yawning with his slow indian accent and boring talk !
now Im in the computer lab blogging and I think I'll just have to leave and grab something to eat coz I promised I will eat XD !LOL my friend wont eat untill I do so I better do XD Im really not in my eating mood Im so down :( ~! will blog about that soon XD LOL

ah my books are so heavy I cant carry them :( ! my bag got torren coz they were so heavy ..*pictures to b posted later*

TC :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

stop judging me for my outlook !

so yea this have been annoying me lately ... being judged for the way I look ...
Ive been dealing with this since a long time .. but I usually got a better treat and got everything done easily for me ..
I cant say that I liked it back then ,, I didn't .. I felt that they are just doing it for my look and that was right .. but at the same time it was such a help sometimes ;p

but not all people will treat me that way ..
some do treat me in a different way coz they judge me with out knowing me which really hurts me really...
some people will think that I'm that kind of a bad -b*tchy girl who is so easy to get just coz I show my hair a lil from the front or coz I wear trousers and stuff like that ...

this guy saw me for like 5 minutes from far away , he didn't even talk to me .. he works with my sister and knows her .. he went to her and told her that I don't look like a sister of hers.. don't look like a member from this family .. why? coz of the way I look and coz of my personality ... excuse me man? u didn't even talk to me ! u saw me from like 5 metres away how can u judge me and what do u know about my personality :S !
it really hurted me to hear that ..

u know , this is the way i look ! but it has nothing to do with reflecting whats in me so if u wanna judge me u better know me first before assuming stuff..

fight for my right . Round 4... Me Vs. registration and deanship @squ

tomorrow is round 5 :) ! yup ! this seems to be a never ending struggle ...
okay to be honest I ended up with 4 subjects so far
-introduction to engineering
-General chemistry for engineering

couldnt get english for engineering ( which is super important) coz it didnt fit my time table no matter HOW MUCH I TRIED .. I gave up :)
tomorrow I'll give one last shot to apply for workshop one .
I had to walk twice today from the registration and deenship to the college to see the workshop doctor and take his signature to apply my but it wasnt enough for the registration so u know what SCREW U PEOPLE !!!! SCREW U ! ARGH its so annoying i swear to god !

Sunday, September 2, 2007

fight for my right . Round 3 ... Me Vs. registration and deanship @squ

round 3.. not dont yet , not bothered to write about it ,.. is just SSDD ( same shit diffrent day) ...
tomorrow is going to b round 4 ...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

fight for my right . Round 2 ... Me Vs. registration and deanship @squ

yup .. so after round one which was last wednesday .. here comes round 2...
round one didnt go so well .. had to run alot ( RUN RUN) and walk alot between engineering and registration and deanship which are way to far like 3 times and I ended up with no registrations at all XD couldnt make it at time...

round 2 started in the registration and deanship first thing in the morning .. eighthundred sharp .. but it was so crouded ! damn ! nooooo XD so anyways I had to que for an hour between the croud .. to finally end up with 2 subjects out of 6 ... step 2 ? back to the college ! god how much I hate that .. anyways I did walk to the college and then to the language centre and thats when those 3 places ( college of engineering , language centre , registration and deanship) started bouncing me around and playing with me as a yo-yo ... yeaaaa when i reached that point I knew its not going to end up with one or 2 walks between those 3 places .. picked up the phone bEGED my sister for a ride ,, she said okay ..
she was like hurry up Im waiting while Im buying her something to drink just coz she gave me a ride ... when I reached to the registration and deanship agaaaaain they asked me to go back to the college .. believe me .. for SO MANY STUPID REASONS okay now I started exploding the secound time i got to the registration and deanship ,, it was so crouded ...
the girls area ! more as a cROUD really,, no ques and HUGE bunches of girls .. Im already short and tinny I cant get in there .. I went to some one I know there and told him that I CANT DO IT IM SORRY !HELP ME PLZ ! so he was so kind to help me :) but I still had to que .. in a smaller que though ... the ppl SMELLED LIKE HELL ! I swear.. I never smelled something that bad before ! mixture of DEEP STINChES !I had to take out my perfume ( which I was so lucky to get with me today ) and spray around on them XD .. I was txting my friend... said that Im gonna faint ! aww my good friend called just to make sure I wont...
on the other hand , guys area wasnt crouded and ppl were standing nicely in ques..
before I go to that guy for help I was like : he either helps me or Im going to the guys section ! I dont GIVE A DAMN
and yea I can do it..
after my sister gave me a ride AGAIN they asked me to go back to the college .. thats when I HAD ENOUGH ! DO U HEAR ME? I HAD ENOUgh OF U gUYS !YUP ! WITH U STUPIDITy HAS NO LIMITS !!! I called dad .. told him I cant take it he must come give me rides coz its getting too much ! and he kindly did !! though he was far he did ... he had to give me LOTS OF RIDES I MUST SAY ! In a matter of 45 mintues only ,... he really got annoyed to see me running that way for no use ..anyhow I ended up walking between those 3 builldings 6 times today XD

in the college of engineering it was really weird .. I didnt see anygirls today ... I had to ask alot for the office I Was trying to reach and both students and teachers were REALLY helpfull!

I had to stand in a small corridor to see my supervisor ... 17 guys and I was the only girl! imagine the noise and all the masculine voices ! but it was cool

now one thing I cant take is one someone calles me 9a3eedya ! I really hate that ! I dont ignor that ! yes Im a first year student but so u were one day so u better zip ur stupid mouth and mind ur own buissness if u had one from the first place .. so someone called me so while I was walking in the administration of the college and thats when I STOPED , TURNED , PUT MY HAND ON MY WAIST AND GAVE EM TAHT STARE THaT SHUT THEM UP!yup ! never mess with a chick like moi

one more thing is the stupidity of some ppl XD like .. waiting for the lift with out pushing the button? like HEL-LO?
I also hate when I have to use the stare case just coz the guys wnt give me a chance to use the lift .. its just annoying XD

so anyhow ,, the day was over ... registered for 4 subjects ( KINNNNDA ) Still have things to finish about these 4 subjects ..

tomorrow .. ROUND 3 :)

honestly its getting worse everyday XD I wonder how bad could tomorrow b :S ! I really wonder XD